* Organize personalized excursions with groups of Brazilians of all ages (up to 6 persons only), to visit wonders of nature in Iceland.
Summer season (may-sep) – 5 excursions per year
Winter season (oct-apr) – 6 excursions per year
* In a near future, organize personalized excursions with groups of Icelandic children, ages from 10 to 18 years old (with Icelandic adult monitors), to visit Brazilian Nature Reservation Areas (Amazon, Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Bonito, Pantanal, Lençóis Maranhenses, Foz do Iguaçú…).
Environmental Education
* Studies about Whales, Birds and all Marine Life, to create videos and books about nature of Iceland, and in a near future about the Icelandic culture also, to show to the Brazilian people your way of living.
* Lectures in Icelandic Schools, to present the nature of Brazil, and in a near future lectures in Brazilian Schools, to present the nature of Iceland. These lectures can be recorded to be added into my website, to be available to other Schools by the internet at any time, in this way many children will have access.
* Manufacture T-Shirts with pictures of animals from Iceland to be sold in Brazil, and from Brazil to be sold in Iceland, with information about the animals, not just on t-shirts prints but also in a beautiful Tag.
Sponsorship for Educative Projects
* We will send invitations to Icelandic and Brazilian Companies as to Individuals, that can be interested in participate generating acceleration of its achievements.
* A big amount of information, photos and videos will be always available in my website, to be used by the Icelandic and Brazilian Schools, their teachers will have updated and specific material to present to their students.
* The method aims to encourage children and adolescents to study about nature at Universities, our children need to know about our patrimony, so that they can work very well prepared in our nature reservation areas.
* We will stimulate the practice of Ecotourism because this is one of the best ways to preserve nature, generating many jobs for those who live in the region.
* The “logos” of the sponsoring companies will be on every page of our website and on our social networks, so when they are viewed and printed they will carry the names of the companies that are supporting us. For the individuals we will have a page with their names (for those who want to be there), expressing our gratitude.
* The companies will be able to use our photos and inform in their marketing material that they support this educational projects.

Iceland (above) and Brazil (below)